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Tour Operators

  1. Abbott, J. and Abbott, S.M. (1997). Minimising tour operators' exposure to lawsuits. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. April, pp. 20-24.

  2. Andriotis, K. (2003). Dependency on tour operators. Problem faced by the Cretan tourism businesses and the views of their owners/managers. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Administration.4(3).

  3. Baloglu, S. and Mangaloglu, M. (2001). Tourism destination images of Turkey, Greece, and Italy as perceived by US-based tour operators and travel agents. Tourism Management. 22(1), pp. 1-9.

  4. Bastakis, C., Buhalis, D. and Butler, R., 2003. The perception of small and medium sized tourism accommodation providers on the impacts of the tour operators’ power in Eastern Mediterranean. Tourism Management. 25(2), pp. 151-170.

  5. Cavlec, N. (2000). The role of tour operators in the travel distribution system. In: Gartner, W.C. and Lime, D.W. (eds). Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism. CAB: New York.

  6. Calvec, N. (2002). Tour operators and destination safety. Annals of Tourism Research. 29(2), pp. 478-496.

  7. Carey, S. and Gountas, Y. (1997). Tour operators and destination sustainability. Tourism Management. 18(7), pp. 425-431.

  8. Evans, N.G. and Stabler, M.K. (1995). A future for the package tour operator on the 21st century? Tourism Economics. 1(3), pp. 245-263.

  9. Gartner, W.C. and Bachri, T. (1994). Tour operators' role in the tourism distribution system: An Indonesian case study. Journal of International Consumer Marketing. 6(3/4), pp. 161-179.

  10. Goodall, B. and Bergsma, J. (1990). Destinations – As marketed in tour operators’ brochures. In: Ashworth, G. and Goodall, B. (eds). Marketing Tourism Places, (pp. 170-192). London: CAB.

  11. Goodall, B. and Bergsma, J.R. (1991). Tour operators’ strategies: A cross-country comparison. In: Sinclair, M.T. and Stabler, M.J. (eds). The Tourism Industry: An International Analysis, (pp. 91-106). Wallingford: CAB.

  12. Katamustafa, K. (2000). Marketing-channel relationships. Turkey’s resort purveyors’ interactions with international tour operators. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 41(3), pp. 21-31.

  13. Kimes, S.E. and Lord, D.C. (1994). Wholesalers and Carribean Resort hotels. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 35(5), 70-75.

  14. Klemm, M. and Martin-Quiros, M. (1996). Changing the balance of power: Tour operators and tourism suppliers in the Spanish tourism industry. In: Harrison, L. and Hasbands, W. (eds). Practicing Responsible Tourism, (pp. 126-144). Wiley: New York.

  15. Klemm, M. and Parkinson, L. (2001). UK tour operator strategies: Causes and consequences. Tourism Research. 3: 367-375.

  16. Laws, E. and Cooper, C. (1998). Inclusive tours and commodification: The marketing constraints for mass-market resorts. Journal of Vacation Marketing. . 4(4): 337-352.

  17. Lumsdon, L.M. and Swift, J.S. (1999). The role of tour operator in South America: Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Tourism Research. 1: 429-439.

  18. McLellan, R.W. and Foushee, K.D. (1983). Negative images of the United States as expressed by tour operators from other countries. Journal of Travel Research. 22, pp. 2-5.

  19. Medina-Munoz, R.D., Medina-Munoz, D.R. and Garcia-Falcon, JM. (2003). Understanding European tour operators’ control on accommodation companies: empirical evidence. Tourism Management. 24(2): 135-147.

  20. Miller, G. (2001). Corporate responsibility in the UK tourism industry. Tourism Management. 22, pp. 589-598.

  21. Reimer, G.D. (1990). Packaging dreams: Canadian tour operators at work. Annals of Tourism Research. 17, pp. 501-512.

  22. Sinclair, M.T. (1992). Tour operators and policies in Kenya. Annals of Tourism Research. 19: 555-558.

  23. Vospitannik, N., Litteljohn, D., and Arnot, R. (1997). Environments, tourism and tour operators: 1985-1995 in Central and Eastern Europe. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 9(5/6), pp. 209-214.

Last updated: 7/02/2004.